Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Update Day 2 (2/7/10) Take 2

Pastor Rob passed along some more pictures of what the team is doing in Haiti. It looks like they have been able to do alot of great work down there so far and we continue to pray that they are able to touch many more lives.

Here are some more pictures from the church service.

Everyone was so excited to have the team at their church on Sunday morning.

Especially the children.
After spending an enjoyable time at the church service, the team jumped right back into work.
After the church service we opened the clinic back up.
The translators were invaluable to bridge the communication gap between the Hatian team and the Medical team.
This 12 year old boy does not get to bathe. He has a scabies like infection on his face and arms. He lost both parents in the earthquake and now lives with an older sister. There are 12 kids total in this family.

Dave and Linda Cantrell checkin one child's head.

Barbara taking care of patients.

Area around the hotel in Monaive

1 comment:

  1. Thank God for good men and women who are willing to drop their own personal agendas at the drop of a hat and rush to the aid of their suffering fellow men, endure severe hardship in the process and carry with them the Light of Christ to bring some measure of peace, reassurance and most of all love and compassion to those who are suffering. Let our prayers accompany them for their safety and peace of mind for their wonderful families who are also sacrificing in the process.

    Keep posting..we're following along

    Rina Shpiruk
